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José Elias Pla Deanda, aka José, is a 12 year-old boy from Monrovia, California. He was born with

Cerebral Palsy and lives with his single mom, Hellen, his great grandma & grandpa, and his dog Billy.


José has been in swim therapy classes at the Rose Bowl Aquatic Center for participants with physical disabilities, however, when classes were suspended due to COVID, José began to suffer physically because we was not able to get the swim therapy that he needed.  Swimming is the only form of exercise that José is able to participate in due to the limitations of his wheelchair, and swimming is the most optimal way for him to build physical endurance and stamina as well as stretch, which is vital for his overall muscle health and well-being.

Being a single mother, José's mom is not able to afford his swim therapy.  

Current need:  a sponsor to help pay for his swim therapy

Amount needed: $84/hour for swim therapy x 2 sessions per week: $168/week

Note: that is the actual cost of the therapy.

Hang On to the Dream Foundation does not inflates the amount needed.

We are hoping to find a sponsor for Jose who will sponsor his swimming for at lest the next 3 months.

If you are interested in sponsoring Jose, please complete the form below:


Thank you very much for helping Jose'. Your tax deductible to the Hang On to the Dream Foundation will go towards cover the expenses of Jose's swim therapy

Your tax-deductible donation is greatly appreciated!

Thank you in advance for your donation!

To make your donation, please complete the info below:

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