Celebrating 25 years of making
kids dreams come true!
Thank you in advance for your generous donation to the
Hang On To The Dream Foundation!
Your support sponsors the dreams of kids like Jose!
Watch Jose's heartwarming story!
There are 4 ways you can make your tax deductible donation:
For your convenience, you can make a one-time donation, or a monthly donation,
by clicking on the "Donate" button below.
(Please note: PayPal will take a portion of your donation for their commission)

To make a donation by check, please make your donation payable to:
Hang On To The Dream Foundation
200 East Big Beaver Rd.
Troy, Michigan 48083
Hang On to the Dream Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization
Tax ID#: 04-3785573
Thank you, again, for your generous donation to the
Hang On To The Dream Foundation!
And remember:
"No matter how hard things seem,
Hang On to the Dream!"