Celebrating 25 years of making
kids dreams come true!
I would like to appear on
["Hang On to the Dream"]
If you or someone you know is between the ages of 8 and 17, they may be eligible to appear on the "Hang On to the Dream" television show!
This Emmy Award winning program features young people who are considered positive role models for other kids because of special talents or skills they have or because of personal obstacles they have overcome in their lives. HOTTD then rewards these kids with gifts or items that will help them to continue to "Hang On to the Dream"! In the past, guests on our show have been singers, dancers, athletes, artists, and more who have received everything from needed supplies and equipment to college scholarships!
To submit a young person for consideration to appear as a guest on "HOTTD" just fill out the form below and click on the submit button. Our producers may be calling you soon!
Please provide the following contact information:
Your Name
Your Age
Your Address
Zip/Postal Code
Home Phone
Your Web site
Please describe yourself:
I am a Boy Girl
Hair Color
Eye Color
Your School Name
What grade are you in?
Tell us what makes you a role model for others and why you should be considered to appear
as a guest on "Hang On to the Dream":
What are some of the obstacles that you have had to overcome in your effort to fulfill your dreams:
If you have someone who helps you in the activity you described above, please provide the
following info:
Their Name
Their Phone
Who are they?
Do you have a video, photos or audio tape that you could send us? Yes No
If yes, what? Video Picture Audio tape
[PLEASE NOTE: Photos and/or videos can only be returned if accompanied by a self-
addressed stamped envelope. NO EXCEPTIONS]
Please provide the name of a parent or guardian that we may contact:
They are my Mom Dad Legal Guardian
How did you hear about "Hang On to the Dream"?
T.V. news Which station:
Radio Which station:
Newspaper Which newspaper:
A friend
Saw an episode of the show
I would like to appear on
["Hang On to the Dream"]
If you or someone you know is between the ages of 8 and 17, they may be eligible to appear on the "Hang On to the Dream" television show!
This Emmy Award winning program features young people who are considered positive role models for other kids because of special talents or skills they have or because of personal obstacles they have overcome in their lives. HOTTD then rewards these kids with gifts or items that will help them to continue to "Hang On to the Dream"! In the past, guests on our show have been singers, dancers, athletes, artists, and more who have received everything from needed supplies and equipment to college scholarships!
To submit a young person for consideration to appear as a guest on "HOTTD" just fill out the form below and click on the submit button. Our producers may be calling you soon!