Celebrating 25 years of making
kids dreams come true!
[Denver Colorado Sound Recording Studios]
["Hang On To The Dream" Denver!]
Mandy Whitner Wins
out of over 40 singers
from around Denver!
17 year old Mandy Whitner of Fort Collins, Colorado proved to be the best out of over 40 kids who competed in the "Hang On to the Dream Music Competition" at FlatIron Mall in Denver, Colorado on February 25. "I had just heard about the competition a couple of days before the contest. My dad heard about it on the radio and told me about it and I thought 'I can do that'." Mandy performed a song that she had written herself just the night before the competition. The morning after the competition she appeared on the KCNC Morning News, along with Hang On to the Dream Foundation president, Christopher Ewing, where she performed her song "Live" on the air.
View the news segment from:
CBS Affiliate
- "Live" Morning Show - Denver
Rounding out the top 7 placings are:
2nd Place - Krista Beckman, 16, Broomfield, CO
3rd Place - Roxanne King, 10, Superior, CO
4th Place - Brittney Ford, 15, Lakewood, CO
5th Place - Leah Zadel, 13, Johnstown, CO
6th Place - Matt Stark, 13, Northglen, CO
7th Place - Makenzie Glassford, 11, Boulder, CO
The Judges:
(from left) Morris Beegle, president of Hapi Skratch Entertainment, J.P. Manza, engineer of Colorado Sound, "Mr. Groove" from Mega 95.7 FM
The winners with Hang On to the Dream Foundation president Christopher Ewing
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